2024 January Headliners: State of the Cities Address
Date and Time
Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
11:30 AM - 1:15 PM EST
11:30 AM - Registration Opens
11:45 AM - Program Begins with Opening Speaker/Welcome
12:00 PM - Lunch Served
12:15 PM - Featured Speakers
1:15 PM - Program Concludes
IMG Academy Golf Club
4350 El Conquistador Pkwy
Bradenton, FL 34210
$40 Manatee Chamber Members with confirmed reservation
$40 MYP Members with confirmed reservation
$55 Future Members and Guests
$55 Day-of/Walk-in -- Note: based on space available
$200 Reserved half table of four with priority seating together
$400 Reserved table of eight with priority seating together
Cancellations after January 3rd must be paid as guarantees have been made on your behalf.
Contact Information
Nzinga Barnette, 941-748-4842 ext. 235
Send Email

Registration for this event has closed. If you are still interested in attending please register for our waitlist. Late registrations will be accepted on a space available basis. Thank you for understanding.
Join us for our first Headliners luncheon of 2024 to hear a "State of the Cities" address. Did you know that there are six cities located within Manatee County? Decisions made at the local level impact our daily lives and local policies are key to meeting challenges and capitalizing on opportunities. We have invited leaders from the Cities of Anna Maria, Bradenton, Bradenton Beach, Holmes Beach, Longboat Key, and Palmetto to join us. Come learn from local leaders and share your thoughts on what makes our region a destination to visit, live, work, play, and own a business.
Confirmed speakers are:
Mayor Gene Brown, City of Bradenton
Mayor Shirley Bryant, City of Palmetto
Mayor John Chappie, City of Bradenton Beach
Mayor Dan Murphy, City of Anna Maria
Mayor Ken Schneier, Town of Longboat Key
Mayor Judy Titsworth, City of Holmes Beach