2024 June Headliners: FDOT Bradenton-Palmetto Connector ACE Study
Date and Time
Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM EDT
Lakewood Ranch Golf & Country Club
7650 Legacy Blvd.
Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202
$40 Manatee Chamber Members with confirmed reservation
$40 MYP Members with confirmed reservation
$55 Future Members and Guests
$55 Day-of/Walk-in -- Note: based on space available
$200 Reserved half table of four with priority seating together
$400 Reserved table of eight with priority seating together
*Cancellations after June 5th must be paid as guarantees have been made on your behalf.
Contact Information
Nzinga Barnette, 941-748-4842 ext. 235
Send Email

Growing traffic challenges in our region impact businesses as well as personal vehicle routes and travel times daily. Join us for our Chamber Headliners Lunch as we learn which corridors are being studied and how data analysis and public and agency involvement facilitate identifying alternatives to move future roadway infrastructure planning forward.
The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) District One is hard at work on the much-anticipated Bradenton-Palmetto Connector Alternative Corridor Evaluation (ACE) Study.
This ACE Study is evaluating corridor alternatives to determine the feasibility of adding capacity and connecting the Cities of Bradenton and Palmetto across the Manatee River, improving regional multimodal mobility, connectivity, and safety for all users.
Overall, the ACE Study is focused on the need to:
- Increase roadway capacity to ease traffic congestion.
- Address anticipated transportation demand.
- Enhance regional mobility.
- Strengthen the efficient movement of goods.
For more information on the Bradenton-Palmetto Connector ACE Study, please visit https://www.swflroads.com/project/444843-1.
We look forward to engaging Manatee Chamber members on this important topic. See you at our June Headliners!