Date and Time
Saturday Jan 29, 2022 Saturday Mar 5, 2022
Saturdays, January 29 - March 5, 2022
Course Features 5 Saturdays Of Learning:
The lectures are virtual from 9 am-12 noon with one of our top teachers in the country. Please make sure your computer has speakers and a microphone.
The labs are at the gym each Saturday from 1 pm - 4 pm.
National test voucher included. Final Saturday the written exam is 9 am -11 am and the practical skill exam starts at 12 noon at the gym.
Online and at local fitness center, TBD
Course Fee: $849
Contact Information
Elena Taddeo, 941-363-7203
Send Email

Personal Trainer Certification Course - Hybrid (Virtual lectures + In-person practical skills labs)
Get all the information needed to start an exciting fitness career & become a Certified Personal Trainer. Turn your fitness passion into a profession with the ONLY IN-PERSON hands-on practical skill labs in the industry. Our NCCA Accredited program is even approved for 3 college credits towards a degree. The scheduled virtual lectures are led by our 5-star teacher. Topics will cover 15 hours on anatomy, exercise physiology, kinesiology, biomechanics, nutrition, and more. The in-person practical skill labs allow you to role-play and review essential “hands-on skills” to master assessing clients, stretching, warm-ups/cool-downs, exercise analysis, and programming design. The course includes the national test vouchers ($450 value) and extra access to our online video enhanced CPT course to review lectures and labs at no extra cost! W.I.T.S. 30-hour optional employer internship (Level 2 Certification) helps walk you into jobs that very much value our unique certification. We are all about your success and the tools we give you will help you reach that goal.
This course is loaded with practice quizzes, discussion boards, and much more. We have included incredible veteran fitness mentors to help your successful outcome. Our supplemental internship programs walk you into some great job opportunities. Your test vouchers for the NCCA Accreditation national exams are included and a must for employers.
Course Features 5 Saturdays Of Learning:
The lectures are virtual from 9 am-12 noon with one of our top teachers in the country. Please make sure your computer has speakers and a microphone.
The labs are at the gym each Saturday from 1 pm - 4 pm.
National test voucher included. Final Saturday the written exam is 9 am -11 am and the practical skill exam starts at 12 noon at the gym.
- BONUS online access to use the course as a great study tool.
Course Dates:
- Study Week- February 26, 2022. No class on February 26th (students on their own).
- National Exam Date - March 5, 2022 (in person, location TBD)
- Social distancing will be enforced when in person.
Saturdays, January 29 - March 5, 2022
Course Fee: $849
Register Here.