North River Prevention Partners

North River Prevention Partners


Non-Profit Organizations

About Us

We are a federally-funded substance abuse prevention coalition. Prevention strategies are concentrated in the north river communities, through collaboration with existing coalitions.

Our Vision:
A community where substance abuse doesn't exist and the health, safety and welfare of all citizens is a priority.

Our Mission:
To create community partnerships to implement universal substance abuse prevention strategies to promote the health and safety of individuals across the lifespan, especially among youth.

What is a coalition?
The word coalition connotes a coming together to achieve a goal.; a group that forms for a specific purpose or cause. In our case, the purpose is to prevent and reduce substance use/ misuse.

Video Media


Ally presenting at Junior Leadership Manatee Mtg.
Ally presenting about substances and the teen brain.
Making of Anti Vape PSA at PHS
We did it! PSA complete!
Making of Anti Underage Drinking PSA at PCHS
Behind the scenes
In the community - Sexual Assault Awareness Day 2020
PHS at Youth in Action Mid-Year Event 3.2021
Group leaders giving feedback at YIA Mid-Year 3.2021

Rep/Contact Info

View Personal Bio
Ally Bergmann
Executive Director